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Metro Tech Foundation Raises More than 25K at Annual Golf Tournament

Metro Tech Foundation Raises More than 25K at Annual Golf Tournament

Over $25,000 in team registrations and sponsorships were raised at the 2024 Dennis Portis III Memorial Golf Tournament. The annual event, held by the Metro Tech Foundation, raises funds for scholarships and financial assistance for Metro Tech students.

Flyer about Dr. Dennis L Portis III

Initially established by Dr. Dennis L. Portis III, a former Metro Tech Associate Superintendent of Instruction, community leader, and golf enthusiast, the tournament was renamed in his honor following his untimely passing in 2016. This event continues each year thanks to the dedicated efforts of his wife, Kristy Viravong-Portis, his daughter, Sha' Marie Portis, and the Metro Tech Foundation Board of Trustees.

This year, 28 teams comprised of Metro Tech employees, stakeholders, community members, and partners participated in the tournament. Metro Tech Foundation Executive Director Ashley Gibson says the event greatly benefits the Foundation’s mission of breaking down barriers for Metro Tech students.

"This tournament allows the Foundation to reconnect with the community," Gibson said. "We are incredibly grateful for the sponsors and teams who contribute each year to support our mission.”

For more information about the Dennis Portis III Memorial Golf Tournament and the Metro Tech Foundation fundraising initiatives, visit

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One of the largest and most diverse technology centers in Oklahoma, Metro Tech has four campuses offering short-term, career and customized business training options. Campuses are located in South Oklahoma City, Northeast Oklahoma City, Downtown Oklahoma City and the Will Rogers Airport.