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Metro Tech Announces Summer Camp Opportunities for OKC Families

Metro Tech Announces Summer Camp Opportunities for OKC Families

Metro Tech will host two camps for families and children of Oklahoma City and surrounding areas this summer.

The first, Camp Metro, will offer a variety of family activities such as gardening, ballet, martial arts, hip-hop dance, and kickboxing at the Wellness Center at 1600 Springlake Dr. from May 28 to May 31. Metro Tech's Community Outreach and Wellness Department developed this program to focus on health and fitness for families.

"Families who play together stay together," Valerie McMurry, Wellness and Community Outreach Director, said. "We want to reunite and strengthen them by returning to the basics of healthy family fun in a program they can enjoy together."

With funding provided by a grant from the Oklahoma City Community Foundation, Camp Metro – Metro Fit Family Fitness will be offered in two sessions tailored to different age groups. The deadline to register for both sessions is May 21st.

The second, Camp Tech Trek, for 5th and 6th graders, will provide engaging lessons and active learning experiences to showcase various careers taught at Metro Tech.

The first session, from June 3 to June 7 on the Springlake Campus at 1900 Springlake Dr., will feature interactive experiences in programs like STEM, entrepreneurship, and graphic design. The second, from June 10 to June 14, will be on the South Bryant Campus at 4901 S Bryant Ave. This session will include hands-on learning opportunities in programs such as welding, public safety, and automotive services. The deadline to register for both sessions is May 24.

“As we approach summertime, we are so excited for families and children to visit Metro Tech and make lasting memories,” Metro Tech Superintendent Aaron Collins said. “We look forward to the opportunities these camps will provide as we strive towards creating and nourishing more community and workforce relationships.”

For more information, and to register for Camp Metro and Camp Tech Trek, visit

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One of the largest and most diverse technology centers in Oklahoma, Metro Tech has four campuses offering short-term, career and customized business training options. Campuses are located in South Oklahoma City, Northeast Oklahoma City, Downtown Oklahoma City and the Will Rogers Airport.