Aerospace Maintenance Foundations
- Aerospace Electronics
Prepare for an exciting career in aviation maintenance as a high school student. While mastering maintenance techniques, aircraft systems, and gaining expertise in unmanned aircraft systems (UAS), students will take coursework towards the FAA Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) certification and prepare to test to obtain a Part 107 Remote Pilot Certificate.
NOTE: Some courses are offered as electives in June following the first year. In order to obtain an FAA certificate, students must continue taking courses as an adult following graduation.
Average OK Wage:
$ 32.41 / Hour
Who Can Enroll:
- Juniors
- Seniors
- Certifications Available
- Courses & Career Major Length
- Helpful Attributes and Abilities
- Industry & Metro Tech Accreditations
- Program Requirements
- Student Organizations
Certifications Available
Courses & Career Major Length
Helpful Attributes and Abilities
Industry & Metro Tech Accreditations
Program Requirements
Student Organizations
Class Schedules
M-Th | 7:25 AM - 10:25 AM
M-Th | 11:25 AM - 2:25 PM
Career Major Length: 1050 hours
Tuition & Fees
In-State Tuition: $3,412.50
Out-of-State Tuition: $6,825.00
Financial Aid | VA Educational Benefits | Available for those who qualify. | Tuition, fees, career majors, courses, and hours are subject to change without notice. Exam fees are nonrefundable.